§ 39-14.1-1 - Definitions.
SECTION 39-14.1-1
§ 39-14.1-1 Definitions. Terms used in this chapter shall be construed as follows, unless anothermeaning is expressed or is clearly apparent from the language or context:
(1) "Certificate" means a certificate of operating authorityissued to a public motor vehicle;
(2) "Charter carrier" means a provider of transportationservices to groups such as: lodges, bands, athletic teams, schools or othertravel groups, assembled by someone other than the carrier who collectivelycontracts for the exclusive use of certain equipment for the duration of aparticular trip or tour. Charter carrier services shall also includetransportation services provided by employment agencies or employers toindividuals in the context of providing transportation to and from their placeof employment;
(3) "Common carrier" as used in this chapter, means anyperson engaging in the business of providing transportation services forcompensation to passengers through the use of a public motor vehicle as definedin this chapter;
(4) "Division" means the division of public utilities andcarriers;
(5) "Driver" means any person operating a motor vehicle usedfor the transportation of passengers which he or she owns or is operating withthe expressed or implied consent of the owner;
(6) "Person" means and includes any individual, partnership,corporation, or other association of individuals;
(7) "Public motor vehicle" means and includes every motorvehicle for hire, other than a jitney, as defined in § 39-13-1, or ataxicab or limited public motor vehicle, as defined in § 39-14-1, used fortransporting members of the general public for compensation in unmarkedvehicles at a predetermined or prearranged rate or fee to such points as may bedirected by the passenger. Transportation services provided by chartercarriers, as defined in this chapter, or by funeral homes in association withfuneral services, and by ambulance companies shall be exempt from this chapter;
(8) "Unmarked vehicles" means motor vehicles that do notdisplay the transportation company's name, address or telephone number, or anyadvertisements or commercial information beyond that included by the vehicle'smanufacturer on the vehicle's exterior surfaces.
(9) "Wheelchair accessible public motor vehicle" means apublic motor vehicle designed and equipped to allow the transportation of aperson(s) who uses a wheelchair without requiring that person(s) to be removedfrom the wheelchair, but such public motor vehicle is not restricted totransporting only persons using wheelchairs.