§ 39-13-12.2 - Registration and identification of vehicles.
SECTION 39-13-12.2
§ 39-13-12.2 Registration andidentification of vehicles. Every interstate motor carrier engaged in the transportation of passengers forcompensation over the highways of this state, subject to the provisions of thischapter, shall apply to the administrator for the issuance of a vehicleidentification device for the registration and identification of vehicles. Theapplication shall be accompanied by a filing fee in the amount of eight dollars($8.00) for each identification device applied for. All intrastate carriersshall be assessed twenty dollars ($20.00) for each identification device forwhich an application is made; provided, however, that this fee shall not applyto any city or town, or any agency or department of any city or town of thestate, or any nonprofit jitney service utilized for the transportation ofsenior citizens. All revenues received under this section shall be deposited asgeneral revenues. The identification device shall be furnished annually toevery carrier whose duty it shall be to apply therefor. It shall be unlawfulfor any motor vehicle to be engaged in transporting passengers for compensationin either intrastate or interstate commerce without the owner thereof havingapplied for and received the required identification device, unless the vehicleis exempted from the provisions of this chapter. Each identification deviceshall be accompanied by a registration card issued by the administrator whichshall be in the possession of the vehicle's driver, when the vehicle is inoperation. Transfers of the identification device from one vehicle to anotherare hereby prohibited. The administrator in his or her discretion may refuse toreissue the identification device to the holder of any certificate, permit, orpermit of registration, pending any complaint or hearing upon the question ofrevocation or suspension or in which the question is involved. Theadministrator shall prescribe reasonable rules and regulations governing theregistration and identification of motor vehicles authorized for operationunder this chapter.