§ 39-12-6 - Requirement of certificate of public convenience and necessity for common carriers Application.
SECTION 39-12-6
§ 39-12-6 Requirement of certificate ofpublic convenience and necessity for common carriers Application. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no person shall engage in thebusiness of transporting property for compensation in intrastate commerce overthe publicly used highways as a common carrier, unless there shall be in forcewith respect to the carrier a certificate of public convenience and necessityissued by the administrator authorizing the operations. Every person proposingto operate as a common carrier shall file with the administrator, in the formto be provided by him or her, an application for a certificate, accompanied bya fee of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250). All revenues received under thissection shall be deposited as general revenues. Each application for acertificate shall be made in writing, shall be verified by oath or writtendeclaration that it is made under penalties of perjury and shall contain suchinformation as the administrator may require. The administrator shall, within areasonable time, fix the time and place of hearing on every application. Noticeof the hearing shall be given by publication or by written notice mailed by theadministrator at least ten (10) days before the date fixed thereof to allcommon carriers, including railroad companies, if any, serving any part of theroute or territory proposed to be served by the applicant, to each personfiling with the administrator a written request for the notice, and to anyother person who may, in the opinion of the administrator, be interested in oraffected by the issuance of the certificate. The copy of the notice, includinga list of the applications to be heard, shall be publicly posted in the officeof the administrator. Any person having an interest in the matter shall havethe right, in accordance with rules prescribed therefor by the administrator,to make representations and to introduce evidence in favor of or in oppositionto the issuance of the certificate.