§ 39-12-32 - Enforcement powers of inspectors.
SECTION 39-12-32
§ 39-12-32 Enforcement powers ofinspectors. Examiners, field investigators, hearing officers, regulatory inspectors, andother employees of the division designated by the administrator with respect tothe enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, shall have and exercise,throughout this state, all powers of police officers including the power toarrest, without warrant, any person who violates any provision of this chapter,and the agents may serve all process lawfully issued by the administrator.Whenever a complaint is made of any violation of the provisions of this chapterby any examiner, field investigator, hearing officer, regulatory inspector, orany other employee of the division designated by the administrator to enforcethe provisions of this chapter, he or she shall not be required to furnishsurety for costs or be liable for costs upon any complaint.