§ 39-12-26 - Registration and identification of vehicles.
SECTION 39-12-26
§ 39-12-26 Registration and identificationof vehicles. Every interstate motor carrier engaged in the transportation of property forcompensation over the highways of this state, subject to the provisions of thischapter, shall register and identify all vehicles to be operated in the statein accordance with the provisions contained in and mandated under the federal"Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy forUsers" (SAFETEA-LU) (Public Law 109-59, enacted August 10, 2005), the UnifiedCarrier Registration Act of 2005 (Included within SAFETEA-LU), and the UnitedCarrier Registration Agreement (UCRA) (§§ 4302 4308 ofSAFETEA-LU), and/or any related successor federal law(s). All intrastatecarriers not subject to the provisions of the foregoing federal law, shallapply to the administrator for the issuance of a vehicle identification devicefor the registration and identification of vehicles and shall be assessedtwenty dollars ($20.00) for each identification device for which an applicationis made. All revenues received shall be deposited as general revenues. Theidentification device shall be furnished annually to every carrier whose dutyit shall be to apply for it. It shall be unlawful for any motor vehicle to beengaged in transporting property for compensation in either intrastate orinterstate commerce without the owner of it having applied for and received therequired identification device, unless the vehicle is exempted from theprovisions of this chapter. Each identification device shall be accompanied bya registration card issued by the administrator which shall be in thepossession of the vehicle's driver, when the vehicle is operating. Transfers ofthe identification device from one vehicle to another are hereby prohibitedunless authorized by the administrator. The administrator, in his or herdiscretion, may refuse to reissue the identification device to the holder ofany certificate, permit, or permit of registration, pending any complaint orhearing upon the question of revocation or suspension or in which such questionis involved. The administrator shall prescribe reasonable rules and regulationsgoverning the registration and identification of motor vehicles authorized foroperation under this chapter. Violations of this section are subject to finesenumerated in section 31-41.1-4.