§ 39-12-2 - Definitions.
SECTION 39-12-2
§ 39-12-2 Definitions. (a) "Administrator", as used in this chapter, means the public utilitiesadministrator.
(b) "Certificate", as used in this chapter, means acertificate of public convenience and necessity issued under this chapter or byany corresponding provisions of earlier laws to a common carrier by motorvehicle.
(c) "Common carrier", as used in this chapter, means anyperson who or which undertakes, whether directly or by any other arrangements,to transport property, or any class or classes of property, by motor vehiclebetween points within this state, for the general public for compensation, overthe publicly used highways of this state, whether over regular or irregularroutes.
(d) "Contract carrier", as used in this chapter, means anyperson who or which engages in transportation by motor vehicle of property inintrastate commerce, for compensation (other than transportation referred to inthe preceding paragraph), under continuing contracts with one person or anunlimited number of persons for the furnishing of transportation services of aspecial and individual nature required by the shipper and not generallyprovided by common carriers.
(e) "Drive away-tow away operations", as used in thischapter, means any operation in which any motor vehicle or motor vehicles, newor used, constitute the commodity being transported, when one set or more ofwheels of any motor vehicle or motor vehicles are on the highway during thecourse of transportation, whether or not any motor vehicle furnishes theautomotive power.
(f) "Driver", as used in this chapter, means any personoperating a motor vehicle used for the transportation of property, which he orshe owns or is operating with the express or implied consent of its owner.
(g) "Interstate carrier", as used in this chapter, means anyperson who or which operates motor vehicles for the transportation of propertyof others for compensation over the publicly used highways of this state ininterstate commerce authorized or certified by the interstate commercecommission.
(h) "Interstate commerce", as used in this chapter, meanscommerce between any place in this state and any place in another state orbetween places in this state through another state.
(i) "Interstate permit", as used in this chapter, means aninterstate carrier permit issued by the administrator to an interstate commonor contract carrier by motor vehicle operating for compensation over thepublicly used highways of this state.
(j) "Intrastate commerce", as used in this chapter, means anycommerce wholly within this state by motor vehicle between points having apoint of origin and a point of destination within this state.
(k) "Irregular route", as used in this chapter, means a routeor routes within the territory as set forth in the carrier's certificate, butnot over a specified route or routes between fixed termini.
(l) "Motor carrier", as used in this chapter, means a commoncarrier by motor vehicle, a contract carrier by motor vehicle, or an interstatecarrier by motor vehicle.
(m) "Motor vehicle", as used in this chapter, means anyvehicle, machine, truck, tractor-trailer, or semi-trailer propelled or drawn byany mechanical power and used upon the highways in the transportation ofproperty, but does not include any vehicle or car operated on a rail or railswhether on or off the publicly used highways.
(n) "Natural subdivision", as used in this chapter, means agroup of persons engaged in the motor trucking industry which, by the natureand similarity of the service performed, has operating interests peculiar tothe groups, and which by reason thereof requires distinct and separateregulations.
(o) "Permit", as used in this chapter, means a permit issuedunder this chapter or corresponding provisions of earlier laws to a contractcarrier by motor vehicle.
(p) "Person", as used in this chapter, means any individual,firm, co-partnership, corporation, company, association, or joint stockassociation, and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee, or personalrepresentative thereof; and, where the context requires shall include "driver",as defined in this section.
(q) "Private carrier", as used in this chapter, means anyperson, other than a common carrier or a contract carrier or an interstatecarrier who or which transports in intrastate or interstate commerce by motorvehicle, property of which the person is the owner, lessee, or bailee, when thetransportation is for the purpose of sale, lease, rent, or bailment, or in thefurtherance of any commercial enterprise. The private carrier shall be exemptedfrom the provisions of this chapter.
(r) "Publicly used highways", as used in this chapter, meansall public ways, roads, highways, streets, avenues, alleys, boulevards, parks,squares, and bridges and approaches thereto, within this state.
(s) "Regular route", as used in this chapter, means aspecified route or routes, between fixed termini, as set forth in the carrier'scertificate.