§ 39-12-12 - Establishment of rates and charges of common carriers Rate discrimination Rebates.
SECTION 39-12-12
§ 39-12-12 Establishment of rates andcharges of common carriers Rate discrimination Rebates. It shall be the duty of every common carrier of property by motor vehicle toestablish, observe, and enforce just, reasonable, and reasonably compensatoryrates, charges, and classification, and reasonable regulations and practicesrelating thereto, which shall become effective on a date fixed by the carrier,which shall be at least thirty (30) days after the filing of the tariffcontaining the rates, charges, and classification, unless suspended by theadministrator, prior to the effective date of the tariff or classification,upon complaint of any person, organization, or body politic or by theadministrator on his or her own motion. No change shall be made in any rate,charge, classification, or any rule, regulation, or practice affecting therate, charge, or classification, or the value of the service thereunderspecified in any tariff of a common carrier by motor vehicle, except afterthirty (30) days notice of the proposed change filed and posted in accordancewith § 39-12-11. The notice shall plainly state the changes proposed to bemade and the time when the change will take effect. The administrator, in hisor her discretion and for good cause shown, may allow the publication of ratesor charges or a change in classification therein, upon notice less than thatspecified in this section, or may modify the requirements of this section withrespect to the posting and filing of tariffs and classifications, either inparticular instances or by general order applicable to special or peculiarcircumstances or conditions. The administrator, after a hearing, may establish,from time to time, such reasonable rules and regulations as he or she may deemnecessary pertaining to the form of tariffs, classifications, or supplementsthereto, the time and manner of filing thereof, the suspension of rates beforethe rates become effective, and bearing upon the validity of any filed orexisting rate. No common carrier of property by motor vehicle shall charge ordemand or collect or receive a greater or less compensation for transportationor any service in connection therewith between points enumerated in the tariffthan the rates and charges specified in the filed tariffs in effect at thetime; and no carrier shall refund or remit in any manner or by any device,directly or indirectly, or through any other person, any portion of the ratesor charges so specified, or extend to any person any privileges or facilitiesfor transportation in intrastate commerce, except such as are specified in itstariffs.