§ 39-12-11 - Publication of tariffs of common carriers.
SECTION 39-12-11
§ 39-12-11 Publication of tariffs ofcommon carriers. Every common carrier by motor vehicle shall print, file with the administrator,and keep open for public inspection, tariffs showing all the rates and chargesfor transportation, and all services in connection therewith, of property, inintrastate commerce, between points on its own routes and points on the routesof any other carrier, or on the routes of any common carrier by railroad,express, or water, when a through route and joint rate shall have beenestablished. A filing fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) must accompany all filingsmade pursuant to this section. All revenues received under this section shallbe deposited as general revenues. The rates and charges shall be stated inlawful money of the United States. The tariffs required by this section shallbe published, filed, and posted in such form and manner, and shall contain suchinformation as the administrator, by regulation, shall prescribe. Theadministrator may reject any tariff filed with him or her which is notconsistent with this section and with the regulations. Any tariff so rejectedby the administrator shall be void and its use shall be unlawful.