§ 39-1-52 - No effect on other industry restructuring provisions.
SECTION 39-1-52
§ 39-1-52 No effect on other industryrestructuring provisions. The provisions of §§ 39-1-43 39-1-60, inclusive, are notintended to alter the provisions of law set forth in §§ 39-1-27 39-1-27.6, inclusive, and other provisions enacted through the UtilityRestructuring Act of 1996; provided, however, that intangible transitioncharges authorized through the issuance of a securitization order shall be paidby all customers of the applicant electric distribution company in lieu of theapplicable portion of the original transition charges that were authorized by§ 39-1-27.4. In the event that only a portion of the original transitioncharges are being securitized through the securitization order, the componentsof the intangible transition charges and the remaining original transitioncharges will be accounted for separately for purposes of implementing thefinancing plan approved by the commission and performing any reconciliationsthereof; provided, however, for purposes of § 39-3-37.3, the aggregateamount of the components may be billed as one "transition charge" on bills sentto customers.