§ 39-1-27.8 - Supply procurement portfolio.
SECTION 39-1-27.8
§ 39-1-27.8 Supply procurement portfolio. Each electric distribution company shall submit a proposed supply procurementplan or plans to the commission not later than March 1, 2009, and each March 1,thereafter through March 1, 2018. The supply procurement plan or plans shall beconsistent with the purposes of least-cost procurement and shall, asappropriate, take into account plans and orders with regard to systemreliability and energy efficiency and conservation procurement. The supplyprocurement plan or plans will include the acquisition procedure, the pricingoptions being sought, and a proposed term of service for which standard offerservice will be acquired. The term of service may be of various, staggered termlengths and acquisitions may occur from time to time and for more than onesupplier for segments of standard offer load over different terms, ifappropriate. There also may be separate procurement plans for residential andnon-residential classes or separate plans among non-residential classes. Allthe components of the procurement plans, shall be subject to commission reviewand approval. Once a procurement plan is approved by the commission, theelectric distribution company shall be authorized to acquire standard offerservice supply consistent with the approved procurement plan and recover itscosts incurred from providing standard offer service pursuant to the approvedprocurement plan. The commission may periodically review the procurement planto determine whether it should be prospectively modified due to changed marketconditions. The commission shall have the authority and discretion to establisheligibility criteria by rate class, and approve special tariff conditions andrates proposed by the electric distribution company that the commission findsare in the public interest, including without limitation: (1) short and longterm optional service at different rates; (2) term commitments or noticeprovisions before individual customers leave standard offer service; (3)standard offer service rates for residential or any other special class ofcustomers that are different than the rates for other standard offer customers;(4) time of use commodity pricing for specified classes of customers, exceptresidential customers; provided, however, that the commission may establishpilot programs for time of use commodity pricing for residential customers;and/or (5) standard offer service rates that are designed to encourage anyclass of customers to purchase supply directly from the market.