§ 37-24-5 - Administration and reports.
SECTION 37-24-5
§ 37-24-5 Administration and reports. (a) The department shall promulgate such regulations as are necessary toenforce this section. Those regulations shall include how the department willdetermine whether a project qualifies for an exception from the LEED certifiedor equivalent high-performance green building standard, and the lesser greenbuilding standards that may be imposed on projects that are granted exceptions.
(b) The department shall monitor and document ongoingoperating savings that result from major facility projects designed,constructed and certified as meeting the LEED certified standard and annuallypublish a public report of findings and recommended changes in policy. Thereport shall also include a description of projects that were grantedexceptions from the LEED certified standard, the reasons for exception, and thelesser green building standards imposed.
(c) The department shall create a green buildings advisorycommittee composed of representatives from the design, construction, lumber andbuilding materials industries involved in public works contracting, personnelfrom affected public agencies and school boards that oversee public worksprojects, and others at the department's discretion to provide advice onimplementing this section. The advisory committee shall make recommendationsregarding an education and training process and an ongoing evaluation orfeedback process to help the department implement this section.