§ 37-2-79 - Establishment of the Rhode Island Strategic Purchasing Advisory Commission.
SECTION 37-2-79
§ 37-2-79 Establishment of the RhodeIsland Strategic Purchasing Advisory Commission. In order to provide a means of collaboration between the state, cities/townsand school committees a permanent advisory commission is established named the"Rhode Island Strategic Purchasing Advisory Commission." This AdvisoryCommission will consist of nine (9) members including: (1) the state purchasingagent or his or her designee, who will serve as chair, (2) a designee of theboard of regents of the Rhode Island department of elementary and secondaryeducation, (3) a designee of the board of governors of higher education, (4) adesignee of the Rhode Island School Committees Association, (5) a designee ofthe Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns, (6) a designee of the Associationof School Business Officials, (7) a designee of the Rhode Island MunicipalPurchasing Agents Association, (8) a designee of the Rhode Island economicdevelopment corporation and, (9) a designee of the state budget officer.