§ 37-2-27 - Prequalification Construction management.
SECTION 37-2-27
§ 37-2-27 Prequalification Construction management. A person who bids on a construction management contract shall provide thefollowing information, which information shall constitute the prequalificationsfor a construction management contract.
(1) Firm history.
(i) Name of the firm.
(ii) Location of principal and branch offices.
(iii) Length of time in business.
(iv) Firm ownership structure.
(v) Annual construction management volume for each of thepast five (5) years including number of projects and total construction volume.
(2) Personnel.
(i) Total number of the firm's personnel, other thansecretarial/clerical, by professional or skill group.
(ii) Outside firms which will be used to provide suchservices as estimating, value engineering analysis, scheduling, or computerservices.
(3) Experience.
(i) Projects which the firm has constructed during the pastfive (5) years, including, those where the firm has served as constructionmanager including the project name and address, year completed, type ofproject, construction cost and reference.
(4) Project staffing.
(i) The firm's proposed management staff for the projectincluding an organizational chart identifying the firm's key staff members andshowing how each staff member interacts with other staff members assigned tothe project.
(ii) Detailed resume for each key staff member whichsummarizes education, professional registration, professional societymembership, construction experience, and construction management projectexperience.
(5) Services.
(i) Scope of preconstruction phase services, including howthose services are provided, with specific attention to the first budgetestimate, methods of cost control, scheduling, value engineering, and themethod of reporting project status and schedule position.
(ii) Scope of construction phase services and how thoseservices are to be provided.
(iii) The firm's method of working with the projectarchitects, engineers, consultants, and other planning team members.
(iv) The firm's method of coordinating the efforts of thevarious trade contractors.