§ 37-2-26 - Prequalification of contractors Roads Department of transportation.
SECTION 37-2-26
§ 37-2-26 Prequalification of contractors Roads Department of transportation. Prequalification for a contractor who bids on road work for the department oftransportation shall be as follows:
(1) A list of equipment in his or her possession and which heor she proposes to use on the contract if awarded to him or her.
(2) The name and qualifications of his or her superintendentor supervisory personnel to be assigned to the major features of the work.
(3) His or her financial references and an original copy ofhis or her current financial statement.
(4) The successful contractor is required to submit to theRhode Island department of transportation for approval, executed contractagreement(s) between the contractor and the qualified DBE to be utilized duringthe performance of the work.
(ii) Prior to submitting the above, any subcontractor and/orsupplier must first receive subcontract approval by the Rhode Island departmentof transportation.
(5) Provide the number of proposed trainees to be trained ineach classification and training programs as stated in the required contractprovisions for federal aid projects (training special provisions page 15 par.3).
(ii) The above requirement will be submitted to the RhodeIsland department of transportation external equal employment opportunityoffice for approval.
(6) The name of the individual who will act as the equalemployment opportunity officer for this company.
(7) Four (4) copies on the company's letterhead ofcertification of nondiscrimination in equal employment opportunity.
(8) The successful contractor shall provide the names ofproposed subcontractors and the phase and extent of the work which they willperform. If any have not performed similar work for this state, supplyexperience records for similar types of work performed elsewhere.
(9) Copies of letters directly from the contractor's bondingand insurance companies indicating their willingness to furnish the requiredbonds and insurance.