§ 37-2-25.1 - Prequalification of vendors for electronic reverse auctions.
SECTION 37-2-25.1
§ 37-2-25.1 Prequalification of vendorsfor electronic reverse auctions. (a) Potential bidders shall be prequalified for participation in eachelectronic auction.
(b) A request for qualifications shall be issued stating theintent to conduct a reverse auction in accordance with the provisions of §37-2-18.1. The request for qualifications shall identify the goods and servicesto be purchased and the criteria to be used to determine how many and/or whichbidders will be selected to participate in the reverse auction. All requestsfor qualifications shall be solicited through utilization of the Rhode IslandVendor Information Program (RIVIP) as set forth in § 37-2-17.1.
(c) Participants shall be selected based on the criteria setforth in the request for qualifications, including agreement to any terms,conditions or other requirements of the solicitation. Written or oraldiscussions may be conducted with all responsible vendors determined in writingto be reasonably susceptible of being selected for award.
(d) Prior to the execution of the auction potential biddersshall be required to receive instruction on the use of the selected electronicbidding procedure. Only bidders who successfully complete the training phase ofprequalification shall be permitted to participate in the electronic reverseauction specified in the request for qualifications.