§ 37-2-2 - General provisions.
SECTION 37-2-2
§ 37-2-2 General provisions. (a) This chapter shall be liberally construed and applied to promote itsunderlying purposes and policies.
(b) The underlying purposes and policies of this chapter areto:
(1) Simplify, clarify, and modernize the law governingpurchasing by the state of Rhode Island and its local public agencies;
(2) Permit the continued development of purchasing policiesand practices;
(3) Make as consistent as possible the purchasing laws amongthe various states;
(4) Provide for increased public confidence in the proceduresfollowed in public procurement;
(5) Insure the fair and equitable treatment of all personswho deal with the procurement system of the state;
(6) Provide increased economy in state and public agencyprocurement activities by fostering effective competition;
(7) Provide safeguards for the maintenance of a procurementsystem of quality, integrity and highest ethical standards; and
(8) Ensure that a public agency, acting through its existinginternal purchasing function, adheres to the general principles, policies andpractices enumerated herein.