§ 37-2.1-5 - Definitions.
SECTION 37-2.1-5
§ 37-2.1-5 Definitions. – The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have, unlessthe context clearly indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in thissection:
(1) "Person" means natural persons as well as corporations,partnerships, business units, and associations;
(2) "Public agency" means any and all other public bodies,authorities, officers, agencies, or instrumentalities, whether exercising agovernmental or proprietary function;
(i) The state and its departments, boards, commissions andagencies;
(ii) Cities, towns, school districts, and any othergovernmental unit or district; or
(iii) Any and all other public bodies, authorities, officers,agencies, or instrumentalities, whether exercising a governmental orproprietary function;
(3) "Public works" means steel to construct, frame orreinforce any public structure, building, highway, waterway, street, bridge,transit system, airport, or other betterment, work, or improvement, whether ofa permanent or temporary nature, and whether for governmental or proprietaryuse;
(4) "Steel products" means products rolled, formed, shaped,drawn, extruded, forged, cast, fabricated, or otherwise similarly processed, orprocessed by a combination of two or more of these operations, from steel madein the United States by the open hearth, basic oxygen, electric furnace,Bessemer, or other steel making process; and
(5) "United States" means the United States of America andincludes all territory, continental or insular, subject to the jurisdiction ofthe United States.