§ 36-7-6 - Subscription to agreement by city, town, or state agency.
SECTION 36-7-6
§ 36-7-6 Subscription to agreement bycity, town, or state agency. Any city, town, or agency of the state as defined in § 36-7-2(2) shallhave the option of subscribing to the federal state agreement as described in§ 36-7-3. The action shall be taken by the adoption of an ordinance,resolution, or vote by the legislative body thereof which shall be the citycouncil in the case of a city, or a financial town meeting in the case of atown, or the board of directors, authority, commissioners, trustees, or othergoverning body in the case of an agency of the state. The resolution,ordinance, or vote shall indicate its intention of extending the benefits oftitle II of the federal Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 401 et seq., inconformity with the provisions of that act, to employees of the city, town, oragency of the state as a coverage group, as herein defined. The resolution,ordinance, or vote, to be acceptable, must contain at least the followingprovisions, requirements, and conditions:
(1) To meet fully the requirements of the federal SocialSecurity Act, 42 U.S.C. § 301 et seq., and be in accord with theprovisions of the federal state agreement herein provided;
(2) To provide that all services which constitute employmentas herein defined and are performed in the employ of the city or town or agencyof the state by employees thereof, shall be included in the designated coveragegroup;
(3) To specify the source or sources from which fundsnecessary to make contributions in the amounts and at the rates specified inthe federal state agreement, are expected to be derived, and contain reasonableassurance that those sources will at all times be adequate to meet thisobligation;
(4) To provide for such methods of administration of its planof participation under the agreement as will insure the proper and effectiveoperation thereof;
(5) To provide that the city, town, or agency of the statewill make such reports, in such form and containing such information as may beprescribed from time to time by the general treasurer in accordance withdirectives or regulations of the secretary, and that the city, town, or agencyof the state will at all times comply with such other rules or regulations asthe general treasurer or the administrator may from time to time prescribe toassure the correctness and verification of the reports.