§ 36-4-52 - Restrictions on political activities of classified employees.
SECTION 36-4-52
§ 36-4-52 Restrictions on politicalactivities of classified employees. No classified employee shall during working hours engage to any extent in anyform of partisan politics except that he or she may attend and vote at anyparty caucus, primary, or election held during working hours. Outside ofworking hours a classified employee may attend any partisan political rally,club, or gathering and privately express his or her partisan political viewsbut any further partisan political activity on his or her part shall be engagedin only in accordance with the personnel rules. A classified employee violatingthe provisions of §§ 36-4-50 36-4-54, or of the personnelrules shall for a first offense be either demoted or dismissed and for a secondoffense dismissed. All charges of these violations shall be publicly heard bythe personnel appeal board.