§ 36-4-50.1 - Certification of select positions.
SECTION 36-4-50.1
§ 36-4-50.1 Certification of selectpositions. The personnel administrator in consultation with the equal employmentopportunity administrator within the department of administration shallidentify classes of positions within state government in which there exists aneed for a particular linguistic background or skill. Service orienteddepartments of state, including, but not limited to, Rhode Island state police,labor and training, corrections, children, youth, and families, courts, humanservices, and transportation shall identify those positions that will bestserve persons utilizing the services of the departments and notify thepersonnel administrator of those positions. Based on recognition by theaforementioned administrators that a need for employees with a specificlinguistic background or skill exists in order to serve the client population,the personnel administrator is authorized during the initial hiring process tocertify names from other than the top six names on a certified list as requiredby § 36-4-26. The personnel administrator shall promulgate rules andregulations under the administrative procedures act to carry out the provisionsof this section; furthermore, it is the legislative intent of the generalassembly that the rules and regulations shall be promulgated with due regard tothe linguistic background of the population to be served, to the specificrequirements of this section, to other relevant provisions of this chapter, andto the terms of existing collective bargaining agreements.