§ 36-4-41 - Appeal from administrator of adjudication to appeal board.
SECTION 36-4-41
§ 36-4-41 Appeal from administrator ofadjudication to appeal board. Any person with provisional, probationary, or permanent status who feelsaggrieved by a decision of the administrator of adjudication may, within thirty(30) calendar days of the rendering of a decision, request in writing for thepersonnel appeal board to review the decision or conduct a public hearing.Within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of the request, the personnelappeal board shall make a report of its findings and recommendations to thegovernor based upon the decisions of the administrator of adjudication or thetestimony taken at a hearing. Copies of the report shall be forwarded to theoffice of labor relations within the department of administration and to theoffice of the administrator of adjudication. Within fifteen (15) calendar daysof the receipt of the report, the governor shall make his or her decision andso notify the appellant, the personnel appeal board, administrator ofadjudication, and the office of labor relations.