§ 36-4-38 - Dismissal.
SECTION 36-4-38
§ 36-4-38 Dismissal. A classified employee with temporary status may be dismissed at the pleasure ofan appointing authority under the provisions of § 36-4-31. A classifiedemployee with provisional or probationary status may be dismissed for reasonsrelating to the employee's qualifications or for the good of the service. Aclassified employee with permanent status may be dismissed by an appointingauthority whenever he or she considers the good of the service to be servedthereby, stated in writing, with full and sufficient reason, and filed with thepersonnel administrator. Any removal or separation of an employee from theclassified service not otherwise provided for in this chapter shall be deemedto be a dismissal. In every case of dismissal, the appointing authority shallon or before the effective date thereof give written notice of this action andthe reason therefor to the employee and shall file a copy of the notice withthe personnel administrator not later than three (3) days after the effectivedate.