§ 36-4-33 - War duration appointments.
SECTION 36-4-33
§ 36-4-33 War duration appointments. Whenever in time of war a vacancy exists in any position in the classifiedservice by reason of the position having been vacated by a person entering thearmed forces of the United States or assigned to a position in a federal agencyby action of the governor, the vacancy shall be filled in the manner prescribedin §§ 36-4-25 36-4-27; provided, however, that any appointmentmade to a position vacated by a person entering the armed forces of the UnitedStates in time of war shall be known as a "war duration appointment"; and anyperson appointed to that position shall, while he or she holds that position,be entitled to the same rights and privileges enjoyed by persons appointed topermanent positions except that those rights and privileges shall be limited byand subject to any existing prior rights of another employee on leave from thatposition even if the exercise of those prior rights shall result in theseparation from the position of the person whose appointment bears the laterdate.