§ 36-4-26 - Certification and appointment to positions in classified service.
SECTION 36-4-26
§ 36-4-26 Certification and appointment topositions in classified service. If the appointing authority has designated the employment list, the personneladministrator shall immediately certify the names of the six (6) personsstanding highest thereon who are available for appointment, if there are asmany as six (6) names thereon, or all the names on the list if there are lessthan six (6). If any of the eligibles notifies the personnel administrator thathe or she is unavailable for appointment, another name shall be certified tothe appointing authority. The appointing authority shall appoint one of thepersons so certified to the position from the appropriate list, or inaccordance with the special certification provided for in § 36-4-26.1 ofthis chapter. If he or she has designated the promotional list, certificationshall be made in the manner prescribed for the employment list. If he or shehas designated the reemployment list, the names of all available eligibles onthe list shall be certified to him or her for appointment. He or she may choosefrom any of the names so certified. If there are as many as three (3) availableeligibles certified from an employment list, a promotion list, or areemployment list, the appointing authority shall make an appointment from oneof these lists. If there are less than three (3) available eligibles certifiedfrom any of these lists, the appointing authority may choose to appoint one ofthe persons so certified. If the appointing authority decides not to make anappointment from any of the names so certified when there are less than three(3) available eligibles, the personnel administrator shall certify the names ofthree (3) available eligibles from any list which he or she shall declare to beappropriate and the appointing authority shall appoint one of the persons socertified. If there are less than three (3) available eligibles certified froman appropriate list, the appointing authority may elect to appoint one of thenames so certified or may make a temporary appointment of some other person ashereinafter provided. Whenever the personnel administrator is requested tocertify names to fill more than one vacancy in a given class, he or she shallcertify to each of the appointing authorities concerned one additional name foreach additional vacancy.