§ 36-4-19 - Placement of names on employment lists Listing of veterans.
SECTION 36-4-19
§ 36-4-19 Placement of names on employmentlists Listing of veterans. (a) The names of all persons attaining the minimum final earned ratingestablished by the personnel administrator shall be placed upon the employmentlist in the order of their ratings; provided, however, that there shall beadded to the final earned ratings of examinees who are veterans in competitivetests for entrance into the classified service, but not for promotion in theservice, who receive at least the minimum required final earned rating asstated in the public notice, service credits amounting to five (5) points forveterans or service credits amounting to ten (10) points for disabled veterans.On all employment lists, the letter "V" shall be placed opposite the name ofeach veteran as defined in chapter 3 of this title, who, by reason of his orher final earned rating, is entitled to have his or her name placed on anemployment list, and the letters "DV" shall be placed opposite the name of eachdisabled veteran, as defined in chapter 3 of this title, who, by reason of hisor her final earned rating is entitled to have his or her name placed on thelist.
(b) For purposes of this section, a "veteran" shall bedefined as any person who served in the military or naval service of the UnitedStates in World War I or who served in the military or naval service of theUnited States in World II at any time during the period beginning December 7,1941, and ending on December 31, 1946, or who served in the military or navalservice of the United States in the Korean conflict at any time during theperiod beginning June 27, 1950, and ending January 31, 1955, or in the Vietnamconflict at any time during the period beginning August 5, 1964 and ending May7, 1975, in the Taiwan Straits Expeditionary Force at any time from August 23,1958, to January 1, 1959, or the Persian Gulf beginning August 2, 1990, topresent, in the Panama Operations beginning December 20, 1989, to January 31,1990, in the Grenada Operations beginning October 23, 1983 to November 21, 1983in the Lebanon Operations beginning:
(1) July 1, 1958 to November 1, 1958
(2) August 20, 1982 to May 31, 1983
(3) June 1, 1983 to December 1987.