§ 36-4-14 - Adoption of pay plan.
SECTION 36-4-14
§ 36-4-14 Adoption of pay plan. (a) After reasonable opportunity to be heard has been given to employees,appointing authorities, and the general public, and after incorporating anymodification, change, or amendment he or she considers desirable, the directorshall submit the plan to the governor who shall approve and adopt the plan withsuch changes as he or she deems necessary and order its application to allpositions in the classified service. When the governor has adopted the payplan, it shall constitute the official pay schedule for positions in theclassified service; thereafter, no person in the classified service shall bepaid a salary that is greater than the maximum or less than the minimum ratesfixed in the approved pay plan or by amendments thereto, or by the personnelrules. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section or any other section ofthis chapter, upon successful completion of a four-course curriculum incentivein-service training program approved by the personnel administrator, a stateemployee hired before July 1, 2001 shall be granted a one-step pay incrementnext above the current base step, or if the employee is at the maximum of thegrade the employee shall receive a pay increment equal in amount to the laststep in the pay grade, the increment to be retained, separate and apart fromany salary or longevity increase that the employee may at that time orthereafter receive.
(b) Upon leaving state service, upon choosing an educationalincentive plan provided for in the Personnel Rules or upon choosing toparticipate in another recognized educational incentive plan, a stateemployee's eligibility for the one-step pay increase described in subsection(a) shall cease.
(c) Unless otherwise provided in the general laws, stateemployees hired on or after July 1, 2001 shall be eligible only for theeducational incentive plan as provided for in the Personnel Rules. However,state employees who are eligible for a different statutory or contractualeducational incentive plan may choose that other plan instead of theeducational incentive plan as provided for in the Personnel Rules.