§ 36-16.1-1 - State employment contracts with private employers Prohibitions.
SECTION 36-16.1-1
§ 36-16.1-1 State employment contractswith private employers Prohibitions. No agreement or contract with a private employer to provide personnel to thestate or the Rhode Island public transit authority to perform services at astate owned or operated facility, or a facility owned or operated by the RhodeIsland public transit authority which at the time of enactment of this statutewere being performed by state employees, or employees of the Rhode Islandpublic transit authority shall be entered into or given by the state or theRhode Island public transit authority unless the contract or agreement containsa stipulation requiring prescribed rates of wages as determined by the directorof the department of labor and training. The rates of wages to be paid thevarious classes of service employees in the performance of the contract or anysubcontract thereunder shall be based upon the prevailing rates for employmentin the state or if the contract is entered into by the Rhode Island publictransit authority, the prevailing rates for Rhode Island public transitauthority employees. The rates of wages to be paid the various classes ofservice employees in the performance of the contract or any subcontractthereunder shall be based upon the prevailing rates for employment in thestate. The rates of wages shall be furnished by the director in a schedulecontaining the classification of jobs and rate of wages to be paid for eachjob. It shall include payments to health, welfare, and retirement plans, or, ifno such plan is in effect between the employees and the private employer, theamount of payments shall be paid directly to the employees; provided; however,that where limited period positions are utilized to replace persons on leave ofabsence, employees in the limited period positions shall not be covered by thissection.