§ 36-14-16 - Financial statement to be filed.
SECTION 36-14-16
§ 36-14-16 Financial statement to befiled. (a) On or before the last Friday in April of each year, the following officialsand employees subject to this code of ethics shall file with the commission afinancial statement complying with the requirements of this chapter.
(1) All state elected officials;
(2) All state appointed officials;
(3) All state appointed officials and employees who hold amajor decision-making position in a state agency;
(4) All municipal elected officials; and
(5) All municipal appointed officials whose official dutiesand responsibilities include exercising decision-making authority over theexpenditure of more than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) in public funds inany fiscal or calendar year, and expressly including solicitors and assistantsolicitors, police chiefs, fire chiefs, superintendents of schools, principals,superintendents and administrators of charter schools, board members of charterschools, principals, superintendents and administrators of state schools, boardmembers of state schools, building inspectors, members of planning boards,zoning boards, licensing boards and tax appeal boards. This subsection shallalso include all municipal appointed officials whose official duties andresponsibilities include nominating, appointing or hiring any persons that willreceive compensation of more than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) in publicfunds in any fiscal or calendar year.
(b) In the case of state and municipal appointed officials onand after January 1, 1988, the appointee shall file the financial statementwithin thirty (30) days after the date of his or her appointment or the date heor she qualifies for the office; provided, however, that in the case of theappointment of officials that require senate confirmation, the appointee shallfile the financial statement with the appropriate senate committee prior to theinstitution of those confirmation proceedings.
(c) Within thirty (30) days after the filing deadline, everyperson who is a candidate for an office as an elected officer, except thosecandidates for moderator and clerk of a voting district of the cities andtowns, shall file the financial statement as required by this chapter. Filingsof candidates for general office shall include information as required insubdivision 36-14-17(b)(2). The commission shall grant an extension for goodcause shown of not more than fifteen (15) days, provided a request for theextension is received prior to the filing deadline for the financial statement.
(d) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, at leastthirty (30) days before the deadline date for the filing of a financialstatement by each individual required to file, the commission shall mail to theindividual a copy of the financial statement form. In the case of candidatesother than those covered by subsection (f) of this section, the forms shall bemailed within ten (10) days after the filing deadline date. In the case ofappointed officers covered by this section, the forms shall be mailed withinseven (7) days after the date of the appointment.
(e) If a person has filed a financial statement as requiredby one subsection of this section covering the preceding calendar year, he orshe is not required to file a financial statement as required by anothersubsection if, before the deadline for filing under the other subsection, he orshe notifies the commission in writing that he or she has already filed afinancial statement under the subsection specified.
(f) A person required to file a financial statement undersubsection (a) of this section may request the commission to grant an extensionof time of not more than sixty (60) days for filing the statement. Thecommission shall grant the extension of not more than sixty (60) days if therequest is received prior to the filing deadline or if a timely filing orrequest for extension is prevented because of physical or mental incapacity.Not more than one extension may be given to a person in one year except forgood cause shown.
(g) The deadline for filing any statement required by thissection is 5:00 P.M. of the last day designated in the pertinent subsection ofthis section for filing the statement. When the last day of filing falls on aSaturday or Sunday or an official state holiday, the deadline for filing isextended to 5:00 P.M. of the next day which is not a Saturday or Sunday orholiday. Any statement required by any provision of this section to be filedwithin a specified time period shall be deemed to be timely filed if it isplaced in the United States post office or in the hands of a common or contractcarrier properly addressed to the appropriate authority within the time limitsapplicable to the statement. The postmark or receipt mark (if received by acommon or contract carrier) will be prima facie evidence of the date that thestatement was deposited with the post office or carrier. The person filing thestatement may show by competent evidence that the actual date of posting was tothe contrary.