§ 36-11-1 - Right to organize Bargaining representatives.
SECTION 36-11-1
§ 36-11-1 Right to organize Bargaining representatives. (a) State employees, except for casual employees or seasonal employees, shallhave the right to organize and designate representatives of their own choosingfor the purpose of collective bargaining with respect to wages, hours, andother conditions of employment. State employees, as used in this chapter, shallinclude employees and members of the department of state police below the rankof lieutenant.
(b) The representatives of state employees are hereby grantedthe right to negotiate with the chief executive or his or her designee(appointed, elected, or possessing classified status) on matters pertaining towages, hours, and working conditions.
(c) The chief executive or his or her designee (appointed,elected, or possessing classified status) is hereby authorized and required torecognize an organization designated by state employees for the purpose ofcollective bargaining as the collective bargaining agency for its members.