§ 36-10-9.1 - Retirement on service allowance Legislators.
SECTION 36-10-9.1
§ 36-10-9.1 Retirement on serviceallowance Legislators. (a) Every person who shall have served as a member of the senate or of thehouse of representatives, or in combination of both the senate and the house ofrepresentatives, and/or other employment as defined in § 36-9-20, and/orincluding up to four (4) years of military service as defined in §36-9-31, for a period in the aggregate of eight (8) years, and having attainedthe age of fifty-five (55) years shall be entitled to receive a retirementallowance, as in § 36-10-10.1 upon application therefor to the retirementboard; provided, however, that any person who shall have served as a member ofthe senate or of the house of representatives, or in combination of both thesenate and the house of representatives, and/or other employment as defined in§ 36-9-20, and/or including up to four (4) years of military service asdefined in § 36-9-31, for a period in the aggregate of twenty (20) yearsor more shall be entitled to receive a retirement allowance as in §36-10-10.1 regardless of his or her age upon completion of the twenty (20)years; provided further, however, that if any person who shall have served as amember of the senate or the house of representatives, or in combination of boththe senate or the house of representatives, and/or other employment as definedin § 36-9-20, for a period in the aggregate of eight (8) years diesleaving a surviving spouse or domestic partner, the benefit as provided by§ 36-10-10.1 shall be payable to his or her spouse or domestic partner tobe continued for his or her lifetime or remarriage or establishment of adomestic partnership.
(b) No legislator shall be eligible for benefits under thissection unless the legislator shall have served a minimum of four (4) years asa member of the senate or the house of representatives or in combination ofboth the senate and the house of representatives.
(c) Except as hereinafter provided, any legislator, electedat the general election in 1988 or thereafter to serve as a member of thegeneral assembly shall not be eligible for benefits under subsection (a) ofthis section unless the legislator shall have served a minimum of eight (8)years as a member of the senate or the house of representatives or incombination of both the senate and the house of representatives; providedhowever, that the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to anylegislator who was elected to serve as a member of the general assembly priorto the general election of 1988.
(d) Service credits earned prior to January 5, 1993, by aperson as a member of the senate or of the house of representatives or incombination of both the senate and the house of representatives may be utilizedby that person for any retirement purpose permitted under current law.
(e) Service credits earned on or after January 5, 1993, by aperson as a member of the senate or of the house of representatives or incombination of both the senate and the house of representatives may be utilizedby that person only for the purposes of § 36-10-10.1.