§ 36-10-19.1 - Optional annuity protection In service.
SECTION 36-10-19.1
§ 36-10-19.1 Optional annuity protection In service. (a) Upon the death of a member having at least ten (10) years of membershipservice, the spouse or domestic partner of the member shall have the option toelect to receive option one as provided in § 36-10-18(a) in lieu of areturn of contributions, provided the spouse or domestic partner is thedesignated beneficiary of the member's retirement account. The election shallbe based upon the amount of retirement allowance or actuarial equivalent thatmay accrue at the date of death of the member.
(b) The election under option one of § 36-10-18(a) for aperson other than the spouse or domestic partner of the member may be made bythe member, while in service, provided the member has at least ten (10) yearsof membership service and before retirement, on a form prescribed by theretirement board. The election shall be based upon the amount of retirementallowances or actuarial equivalents that may accrue at the date of death of themember, provided that the election form is executed and filed with theretirement board prior to the date of death. The election may be revoked ormodified by the member at any time prior to the date of retirement on a formprescribed by the retirement board.
(c) Upon the death of a member, the option shall becomeeffective thirty (30) days after the first day of the calendar month nextfollowing the date of death of the member if death occurs while in an employeestatus. Should death occur while in an inactive member status, the option underthis section shall become payable on the first of the month next succeedingthat in which the designated beneficiary attains the age of sixty (60) years.