§ 36-10-17 - Reexamination of disability beneficiaries Reduction of benefit Reinstatement to active service.
SECTION 36-10-17
§ 36-10-17 Reexamination of disabilitybeneficiaries Reduction of benefit Reinstatement to activeservice. Once each year the retirement board may, and upon his or her application shall,require any disability beneficiary under the minimum age of service retirementto undergo a medical examination. The examination to be made at the place ofresidence of the beneficiary or other place mutually agreed upon by a physicianor physicians engaged by the retirement board. If the examination indicatesthat the beneficiary is able to engage in a gainful occupation, his or her nameshall be placed on such appropriate lists of candidates as are prepared forappointment to positions in his or her department or agency for which he or sheis stated to be qualified and for a salary grade not exceeding that from whichhe or she was last retired. Should the beneficiary be engaged in a gainfuloccupation or should he or she be offered service as a result of the placing ofhis or her name on a list of candidates, the retirement board shall adjust andfrom time to time readjust, the amount of his or her disability benefit to anamount which shall not exceed the rate of benefit upon which he or she wasoriginally retired, and which, when added to the amount then earnable by him orher, shall not exceed his or her rate of annual compensation currently for theclassification that the disability annuitant held prior to retirement. Shouldany disability beneficiary under the minimum age of service retirement refuseto submit to one medical examination in any year by a physician or physiciansdesignated by the retirement board, his or her benefit shall be discontinueduntil his or her withdrawal of the refusal and should his or her refusalcontinue for one year, all his or her rights in and to disability benefit shallbe revoked by the retirement board. A disability beneficiary, reinstated toactive service, shall be reinstated as a member and participate in the rightsof the retirement system to the same extent as any other member.