§ 35-6-26 - Settlement of costs of state witnesses.
SECTION 35-6-26
§ 35-6-26 Settlement of costs of statewitnesses. Every officer receiving any money from the treasury for disbursement asprovided in §§ 35-6-22 35-6-25 shall, within ten (10) daysafter the disposition of the criminal trials before juries for the session, orportion of the session, as the case may be, for which the money is obtained,deposit with the clerk of the court a true copy, by him or her attested, of thebook provided to be kept by him or her at the session, showing his or herdisbursements of money; and shall return the original, with his or hercertificate endorsed thereon, under oath, that all matters therein containedare just and true, to the department of administration; and shall pay over anybalance in his or her hands to the state treasurer, or receive any balance duehim from the state, as, on settlement of the account with the state controller,may appear.