§ 35-17-1 - Purpose and membership.
SECTION 35-17-1
§ 35-17-1 Purpose and membership. (a) In order to provide for a more stable and accurate method of financialplanning and budgeting, it is hereby declared the intention of the legislaturethat there be a procedure for the determination of official estimates ofanticipated medical assistance expenditures and public assistance caseloads,upon which the executive budget shall be based and for which appropriations bythe general assembly shall be made.
(b) The state budget officer, the house fiscal advisor, andthe senate fiscal advisor shall meet in regularly scheduled caseload estimatingconferences (C.E.C.). These conferences shall be open public meetings.
(c) The chairpersonship of each regularly scheduled C.E.C.will rotate among the state budget officer, the house fiscal advisor, and thesenate fiscal advisor, hereinafter referred to as principals. The scheduleshall be arranged so that no chairperson shall preside over two (2) successiveregularly scheduled conferences on the same subject.
(d) Representatives of all state agencies are to participatein all conferences for which their input is germane.
(e) The department of human services shall provide monthlydata to the members of the caseload estimating conference by the fifteenth dayof the following month. Monthly data shall include, but is not limited to,actual caseloads and expenditures for the following case assistance programs:temporary assistance to needy families, SSI federal program and SSI stateprogram, general public assistance, child care, state food stamp program, andweatherization. The report shall include relevant caseload information andexpenditures for the following medical assistance categories: hospitals,nursing homes, managed care, special education, and all other. In the categoryof managed care, caseload information and expenditures for the followingpopulations shall be separately identified and reported: children withdisabilities, children in foster care, and children receiving adoptionassistance.