§ 34-7-6 - Notice of intent to dispute interrupting adverse possession.
SECTION 34-7-6
§ 34-7-6 Notice of intent to disputeinterrupting adverse possession. Whenever the legal owner of any lands anticipates that any other person orpersons may obtain the title to those lands, or any way, easement or privilegetherein, by possession under the provisions of this chapter, he or she may givenotice in writing to the person claiming or using the lands, way, easement, orprivilege, of his or her intention to dispute any right arising from that claimor use; and the notice, served and recorded as hereinafter provided, shall bedeemed an interruption of the use and prevent the acquiring of any rightthereto by the continuance of the use for any length of time thereafter. Thenotice, signed by the owner of the lands, his guardian or agent, may be servedby any disinterested person, making return under oath, on the party so claimingor using the property, his or her agent or guardian, if within this state,otherwise, on the tenant or occupant, if there be any; and the notice, with thereturn thereon, shall be recorded within three (3) months thereafter in therecords of land evidence in the town in which the land is situated, and a copyof the record, certified by the recording officer to be a true copy of therecord of the notice, and the return thereon, shall be evidence of the noticeand of the service of the same.