§ 34-46-4 - Notice of lien.

SECTION 34-46-4

   § 34-46-4  Notice of lien. – (a) A vessel owner must be notified of the lien created by this chapter beforeenforcement of the lien by a facility operator. Notification of the liencreated by this chapter is satisfied by:

   (1) Written storage agreement. A written storageagreement signed by the vessel owner that includes a notice of the lien createdby this chapter; or

   (2) Written notice of lien. Written notification ofthe lien sent by the facility operator to the vessel owner.

   (b) A facility operator who does not have a written storageagreement that includes a notice of the lien created by this chapter may notinitiate an enforcement action under § 34-46-5 until thirty (30) daysafter the written notice of a lien required by subdivision (a)(2) is deliveredto the vessel owner.