§ 34-4-12 - Rights against lessee in remainderman taking precedent estate by merger.
SECTION 34-4-12
§ 34-4-12 Rights against lessee inremainderman taking precedent estate by merger. Where the reversion of any land expectant on a lease shall be merged in anyremainder, other reversion, or estate, the person entitled to the estate intowhich the reversion shall have merged, his or her heirs, executors,administrators, successors and assigns, shall have and enjoy the likeadvantage, remedy and benefit, against the lessee, his or her heirs,successors, executors, administrators and assigns, for nonpayment of rent, orfor doing of waste or other forfeiture, or for not performing conditions,covenants or agreements, contained and expressed in his or her lease, demise orgrant, as the person, who would for the time being have been entitled to themesne reversion which shall have merged, would or might have had and enjoyed ifthe reversion had not been merged.