§ 34-36-16 - Bylaw provisions.

SECTION 34-36-16

   § 34-36-16  Bylaw provisions. – The bylaws may provide for the following:

   (1) The establishment of a management committee, the numberof persons constituting the committee and the method of selecting the membersof the committee; the powers and duties of the management committee; andwhether or not the management committee may engage the services of a manager.

   (2) The method of calling meetings of the unit owners; whatpercentage of the unit owners shall constitute a quorum, and be authorized totransact business.

   (3) The maintenance, repair, and replacement of the commonareas and facilities and payment therefor.

   (4) The manner of collecting from the unit owners their shareof the common expenses.

   (5) The designation and removal of personnel necessary forthe maintenance, repair, and replacement of the common areas and facilities.

   (6) The method of adopting and of amending administrativerules and regulations governing the details of the operation and use of thecommon areas and facilities.

   (7) Restrictions on and requirements respecting the use andmaintenance of the units and the use of the common areas and facilities as aredesigned to prevent unreasonable interference with the use of their respectiveunits and of the common areas and facilities by the several unit owners.

   (8) The percentage of votes required to amend the bylaws.

   (9) Other provisions as may be deemed necessary for theadministration of the property consistent with this chapter.