§ 34-28-25 - Priority of liens.

SECTION 34-28-25

   § 34-28-25  Priority of liens. – (a) The priority of liens under §§ 34-28-1, 34-28-2, 34-28-3 and34-28-7 shall be as follows:

   (1) Except as provided in subdivision (a)(3), as betweenpersons having valid liens under this chapter, all of the lien holders shallshare pro rata in the distribution of funds received by deposit under §34-28-17 or of the proceeds of any sale under § 34-28-21, based on theamount of their claim plus their additional expenses of filing and advertising,if any.

   (2) Except as provided in subdivision (1), the priority ofpersons mailing and filing notices of intention under § 34-28-4 shall datefrom the date of the filing; the lien of the persons shall be senior to anysubsequently recorded title, claim, lease, mortgage, attachment, or other lienor encumbrance (other than under § 34-28-1, 34-28-2, 34-28-3 or 34-28-7),and the lien of such persons shall be junior to any prior recorded title,claim, lease, mortgage, attachment, or other lien or encumbrance (other thanunder § 34-28-1, 34-28-2, 34-28-3 or 34-28-7). Any person having anexisting lien under § 34-28-1, 34-28-2, 34-28-3 or 34-28-7 subject to anyprior recorded mortgage, attachment, or other lien or encumbrance may pay offthe prior mortgage, attachment, or other lien or encumbrance and shall besubrogated to all of the rights of the holder of the prior mortgage,attachment, or other lien or encumbrance.

   (3) In the event that there shall be recorded any title,claim, lease, mortgage, attachment, or other lien or encumbrance (other thanunder § 34-28-1, 34-28-2, 34-28-3 or 34-28-7) junior to any liens under§ 34-28-1, 34-28-2, 34-28-3 or 34-28-7 in accordance with subdivision (2)and senior to other liens, then the liens under § 34-28-1, 34-28-2,34-28-3 or 34-28-7 senior to the title, claim, lease, mortgage, attachment, orother lien or encumbrance shall be separated from the liens junior to the lienor encumbrance, and the senior liens shall be senior to the title, claim,lease, mortgage, attachment, or other lien or encumbrance, and the junior liensshall be junior thereto.

   (b) Priority between persons whose claims are notspecifically provided for in this section shall be determined by the court ormaster in accordance with equity and good conscience.