§ 34-28-14 - Notice of complaint to owners and encumbrancers.
SECTION 34-28-14
§ 34-28-14 Notice of complaint to ownersand encumbrancers. Upon filing of the complaint, the clerk of the superior court shall, by oneadvertisement to be inserted in some public newspaper published in the city ortown where the property against which the lien is claimed is located, but, ifthere shall be no public newspaper published in the city or town, then by oneadvertisement in some public newspaper published in the county where theproperty is located, which one advertisement shall, with the service of thecitation set forth in § 35-28-15, notify all persons having a lien, byvirtue of this chapter, or any title, claim, lease, mortgage, attachment, orother lien or encumbrance, or any unrecorded claim on all or any part of thesame property, to respond to the court in accordance with § 34-28-15 and§ 34-28-16 and make out their demands against the property; and the clerkshall issue a citation to each person whose name appears on the list, made apart of the complaint by § 34-28-13, of all persons who have any recordedtitle, claim, lease, mortgage, attachment, or other lien or encumbrance (otherthan under § 34-28-1, 34-28-2, 34-28-3, or § 34-28-7) on a daycertain to respond in accordance with §§ 34-28-15 and 34-28-16 andshow cause, if any they have, why the lien should not be allowed and enforcedfor the amount claimed. The plaintiff shall, at least ten (10) days before thereturn day of the citation mentioned in § 34-28-15, mail, postage prepaid,a copy of the advertisement provided for in this section (printed, typewritten,or otherwise reproduced) to each person who has filed a notice of intentionunder § 34-28-4.