§ 34-22-7 - Good faith payment by attorney acting under invalid power.

SECTION 34-22-7

   § 34-22-7  Good faith payment by attorneyacting under invalid power. – Any person, making any payment in good faith in pursuance of a power ofattorney, shall not be liable, in respect of the payment, by reason that beforethe payment the donor of the power had died or become of unsound mind orbankrupt, or had revoked the power, if the fact of death, unsoundness of mind,bankruptcy or revocation, was not at the time of the payment known to theperson making the payment. This section shall not affect any right against thepayee of any person interested in any money so paid; and that person shall havethe like remedy against the payee as he or she would have had against the payerif the payment had not been made.