§ 34-19-5 - Return of verdict.

SECTION 34-19-5

   § 34-19-5  Return of verdict. – If, upon a full hearing of the cause, the jury shall find the complaint laidbefore them supported by the evidence, they shall sign and return to the courttheir verdict, in form following, to wit:

   At a court of inquiry held before one of the justices of thesuperior court within and for the county of

   at uponthe                           day of

   in theyear                     , the jury, upon

   their oaths, do find that the lands or tenements in

   aforesaid, bounded (or, described) as follows (as in thecomplaint),

   upon the dayof                                in the year

   were in the lawful and rightful possession of

   andthat                              did, upon

   the same day, unlawfully, with force and arms and with astrong hand, enter forcibly into the same, and (or, being lawfully upon thesame) did unlawfully, with force and a strong hand, hold and keep

   out and that he or she still continues

   wrongfully to detain the possession from him or her, :

   whereupon the jury find, upon their oaths aforesaid, that

   ought to have restitution thereof without
