§ 34-18-15 - Terms and conditions of rental agreement.
SECTION 34-18-15
§ 34-18-15 Terms and conditions of rentalagreement. (a) A landlord and a tenant may include in a rental agreement terms andconditions not prohibited by this chapter or other rule of law, including rent,term of the agreement, and other provisions governing the rights andobligations of the parties.
(b) In absence of agreement, the tenant shall pay as rent thefair rental value for the use and occupancy of the dwelling unit.
(c) Rent is payable without demand or notice at the time andplace agreed upon by the parties. Unless otherwise agreed, rent is payable atthe dwelling unit and periodic rent is payable at the beginning of any term ofone month or less and otherwise in equal monthly installments at the beginningof each month. Unless otherwise agreed, rent is uniformly apportionable fromday-to-day.
(d) Unless the rental agreement fixes a definite term, thetenancy is week-to-week in case of a roomer who pays weekly rent, and in allother cases month to month.
(e) A tenant who is sixty-five (65) years of age or older orwho will turn sixty-five (65) during the term of a rental agreement for adwelling unit may terminate such a rental agreement in order to enter aresidential care and assisted living facility, as defined in § 23-17.4-2,a nursing facility, or a unit in a private or public housing complex designatedby the federal government as housing for the elderly. The tenant may terminatethe rental agreement by notice given in writing to the usual person to whomrental payments are made. The notice shall be accompanied by documentation ofadmission or pending admission to a facility or housing complex described inthis section. Termination of the rental agreement shall be effective no earlierthan forty-five (45) days after the first rental payment due date followingdelivery of written notice of termination.