§ 34-18-11 - Definitions.
SECTION 34-18-11
§ 34-18-11 Definitions. Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent sections of thischapter which apply to specific sections thereof, and unless the contextotherwise requires, in this chapter:
(1) "Abandonment" means the tenant has vacated the premiseswithout notice to the landlord and has no intention of returning, as evidencedby nonpayment of rent for more than fifteen (15) days and removal ofsubstantially all possessions from the premises;
(2) "Action" includes recoupment, counterclaim, set-off, suitin equity, and any other proceeding in which rights are determined, includingan action for possession;
(3) "Building and housing codes" include any law, ordinance,or governmental regulation concerning fitness for habitation, or theconstruction, maintenance, operation, occupancy, use, or appearance of anypremises of dwelling unit;
(4) "Dwelling unit" means a structure or part of a structurethat is designed or intended to be used as a home, residence, or sleeping placeby one or more persons;
(5) "Fair rental value" means rent which is of comparablevalue with that of other rental properties of similar size and condition withinthe contiguous neighborhood;
(6) "Good faith" means honesty in fact in the conduct of thetransaction concerned;
(7) "Landlord" means the owner, lessor, or sublessor of thedwelling unit or the building of which it is a part, and it also means amanager of the premises who fails to disclose as required by § 34-18-20;
(8) "Ordinary wear and tear" means deterioration of thepremises which is the result of the tenant's normal nonabusive living andincludes, but is not limited to, deterioration caused by the landlord's failureto prepare for expected conditions or by the landlord's failure to comply withhis or her obligations;
(9) "Organization" includes a corporation, government,governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnershipof association, two (2) or more persons having a joint or common interest, andany other legal or commercial entity;
(10) "Owner" shall mean any person who, alone or jointly orseverally with others:
(i) Has legal title or tax title (pursuant to §§44-9-40 44-9-46, inclusive, of the general laws) to any dwelling,dwelling unit or structure with or without accompanying actual possessionthereof; or
(ii) Has charge, care, or control of any dwelling, dwellingunit or structure as owner or agent of the owner, or an executor,administrator, trustee, or guardian of the estate of the owner. Any personrepresenting the actual owner in this way shall be bound to comply with theprovisions of this chapter and of rules and regulations adopted pursuantthereto to the same extent as if he or she were the owner.
(11) "Person" includes an individual or organization;
(12) "Premises" means a dwelling unit and the structure ofwhich it is a part and facilities and appurtenances therein and grounds, areas,and facilities held out for the use of tenants generally, or the use of whichis promised to the tenant;
(13) "Rent" means the payment or consideration that a tenantpays to a landlord for the use of the premises, whether money, services,property, or produce of the land;
(14) "Rental agreement" means all agreements, written ororal, and valid rules and regulations adopted under § 34-18-25 embodyingthe terms and conditions concerning the use and occupancy of a dwelling unitand premises, and also includes any terms required by law;
(15) "Roomer" means a tenant occupying a dwelling unit whichconsists of any room or group of rooms forming a single habitable unit used orintended to be used for living and sleeping, but not for cooking or eatingpurposes;
(16) "Security deposit" means a sum of money given by atenant to a landlord at the outset of the tenancy or shortly thereafter, as adeposit against physical damages to the tenant's dwelling unit during saidtenancy;
(17) "Tenant" means a person entitled under a rentalagreement to occupy a dwelling unit to the exclusion of others;
(18) "Transitional housing facility" means a facility which,for a period not to exceed two (2) years, provides its residents withappropriate social services for the purpose of fostering independence, selfsufficiency, and eventual transition to a permanent living arrangement;
(19) "Willful" means that the act was performedintentionally, knowingly and purposely, not accidentally or inadvertently andwithout justifiable excuse.