§ 34-18.1-8 - Surrender of premises damaged by fire or storm Adjustment of rent.
SECTION 34-18.1-8
§ 34-18.1-8 Surrender of premises damagedby fire or storm Adjustment of rent. Where any leased or occupied tenement or other building covered by this chapteris destroyed by fire, hurricane or other cause, or is condemned by any state ormunicipal authority as unfit for occupancy, the lessee or occupant may, if thedestruction or damage occurred without his or her fault or neglect, quit andsurrender possession of the leasehold premises and of the land so leased oroccupied upon giving written notice to the lessor or owner of his or herintention to quit; and he or she is not liable to pay to the lessor or ownerrent for the time subsequent to the surrender of the premises. Any rent paid inadvance or which may have accrued by the terms of the lease or any other hiringshall be adjusted to the date of the surrender of the leasehold premises.