§ 34-16-5 - Contents of complaint.
SECTION 34-16-5
§ 34-16-5 Contents of complaint. The complaint shall contain, among other things, to the extent known toplaintiff:
(1) A complete and accurate description of the real estateinvolved, and the right, title and interest of the plaintiff claimed thereinand the character and source thereof;
(2) A recital of the character and source of claims adverse,or which may become adverse, whether asserted or unasserted, and, ifunasserted, then of record;
(3) The names and last known addresses of those asserting, orwho may assert, any adverse claims;
(4) The efforts made to ascertain and determine thoseclaimants, who, or whose names and/or addresses, are unknown to plaintiff;
(5) The duration of ownership, occupation, possession, andenjoyment by the plaintiff, and when relevant, by his or her predecessors intitle, of the estate involved, together with a recital of acts performed as anormal incident of the possession enjoyed and the title claimed.