§ 34-16-2 - Examination of title Notice to parties in interest.
SECTION 34-16-2
§ 34-16-2 Examination of title Notice to parties in interest. Upon filing his or her complaint, the plaintiff shall thereafter, at his or herown cost, select, with the approval of the court, a title company or anattorney familiar with the examination of land titles, which company orattorney shall proceed to examine the title to the real estate described in thecomplaint, and when the examination is completed, shall deposit an abstract oftitle to the real estate in the court, together with a report of the status ofthe title and a list of the parties found interested therein, and who should,in the opinion of the company or attorney, be made parties to the action. Uponreceipt of the abstract and report, the court shall order all persons notparties to the action but found by it to be necessary to the cause to be madeparties defendant and shall order notice to be given to those defendants.