§ 34-12-5 - Power of armed forces officers to take acknowledgments.

SECTION 34-12-5

   § 34-12-5  Power of armed forces officersto take acknowledgments. – In addition to the acknowledgment of instruments and the performance of othernotarial acts in the manner and form and as otherwise authorized by law,instruments may be acknowledged, documents attested, oaths and affirmationsadministered, depositions and affidavits executed, and other notarial actsperformed, before or by any commissioned officer in active service of the armedforces of the United States with the rank of second lieutenant or higher in thearmy, air force, or marine corps, or with the rank of ensign or higher in thenavy or coast guard, or with equivalent rank in any other component part of thearmed forces of the United States, by any person without the limits of theUnited States, and to any person who is a member of the armed forces who iswithin or without the limits of the United States and their lawful dependents.