§ 34-10-15 - Complaint of neglect to maintain fence.
SECTION 34-10-15
§ 34-10-15 Complaint of neglect tomaintain fence. (a) Whenever any proprietor, possessor or owner of land shall neglect or refuseto repair, build, or rebuild any partition fence or shall withdraw his or herfence from any division line, the aggrieved party may complain to any fenceviewer of the town, who, after ten (10) days' notice to the proprietor,possessor, or owner, shall attend and view the same; the notice, if the addressof the owner is not known to the fence viewer, to be given by posting up thesame in three (3) or more public places in the town where the lands lie, and ifhe or she shall find the complaint to be true, he or she shall in writing orderthe delinquent party to repair, build, or rebuild the same within such time ashe or she shall therein appoint, not exceeding fifteen (15) days, and shalllodge a copy of the order in the office of the town clerk of the town in whichthe land is situated.
(b) Whenever any vegetation overgrows and damages a partitionfence, the proprietor, possessor or owner of the land from which the vegetationoriginates shall be liable for the removal of all of the overgrown vegetationand the necessary repairs to the partition fence caused by the overgrownvegetation.