§ 34-10-14 - Holding and improving partition fences – Agreements between owners.

SECTION 34-10-14

   § 34-10-14  Holding and improving partitionfences – Agreements between owners. – In all cases where partition fences are erected as one-half ( 1/2) of thepartition fence between proprietors or possessors of adjoining lands, or wherethe fence may be hereafter erected by the agreement of the parties in interestor other lawful manner, the proprietors of the fences in either of the caseserected, their heirs, successors, or assigns, shall hold and improve the fenceswithout molestation; and shall be forever afterwards excused from making otherfence on such dividing line in all cases whatever, except by the specialagreement of the parties to the contrary; and all agreements which shall bemade relating to the partition fences shall be registered in the office of thetown clerk in the town where such lands shall lie.